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Paul Thurrott – no wonder nobody takes you serious.

In the latest email newsletter from Paul Thurrott he had the following piece of wisdom: Oh Good, I Was Just Hoping for Another Webmail SolutionIBM continued its long slide into irrelevancy this week by releasing yet another corporate email solution that no one was asking for. Actually, it’s more of a competitor for Google Apps, […]

IBM move away from Microsoft.

Via Linux Magazine 360.000 IBM workers have been told to stop using Microsoft Office and switch to the Open Office-based software Symphony. As an IBMer, I am not so sure about the “told to stop”, well not in South Africa at least.  At the moment we are encouraged not to use Microsoft products as far […]

Lotus Notes 8.5 sync with Google Calendar on Ubuntu

I am looking for a solution to Sync Lotus Notes 8.5 on Ubuntu with Google Calendar.  It only needs to be an one way sync from Notes to Google Calendar. I have searched the Interwebs but have not found a suitable solution.  Have found some stuff for Windows but not for Ubuntu or even Linux […]