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IBM Technology behind US Open

With more than 250 men and women vying for the U.S. Open championship, it’s a wonder that each and every ace (and fault) is seamlessly shown on the scoreboard, your iPhone, and online. How do they do this?  This is all thanks to IBM technology and people that has provided the systems for the US […]

Happy Birthday Unix — a young 40.

40 years ago, Unix was dreamt up in the AT&T labs by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie. If it was not for these 2 guys, Unix would probably not existed and neither would Linux.  Yes, I know, Linux is now based on Unix but nobody can argue that Unix has a lot of influence on […]

Microsoft and Linux in the same sentence.

I just saw this on Slashdot and I quote: “Researchers at Microsoft and the University of California, San Diego have developed a network adapter that lets a computer enter sleep mode without disrupting the network connection. The adapter, dubbed Somniloquy (meaning to talk in one’s sleep), consists of a gumstix running embedded Linux, 64MB of […]

MS BSOD in front of Apple — how funny!

Now this is so funny .. A Coke vending machine that BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) in front of a Apple Store. Here is a closer view of the BSOD. Wonder what Coke thinks of all this? It is time the world learns that if you need stable embedded then use Linux. This pictures, courtesy […]

Will the IBM/SUN deal happen?

I have not said anything about the said deal yet.  I have just read an InfoWorld article by Neil McAllister and must say that I agree with him.  This deal would be good for IBM and so more for us that work in the Application Development area within IBM.  Technorati Tags: sun, deal, ibm, linux, […]

From 2 Windows XP machines to 3 Ubuntu machines

Around September last year I got a new work laptop – Lenovo T60.  IBM, for whom I work, gives one the choice of what OS to run on the desktop ie Windows or some Linux flavor. Oh and some people actually do run Macs also.  The Linux is either Red Hat, Fedora, OpenSuse or Ubuntu.  […]