I do not often promote a service but decide that one is worth promoting. I have been a Dreamhost customer for the past 3 year and have not had any bad experience yet. In fact the experience has been excelent so far. I have been using webhosting companies for the past 10 years or […]
A couple of days ago I installed the new Beta of Switkey keyboard on my HTC Desire Android phone and must say I am impressed with it. It is now called Switchkey X (assume the X is for next generation). Here is a screenshot of the keyboard using Tweetdeck (my other favourite Android app). What […]
This is just so awesome … running Linux (Linux (none) 2.6.20 #3 Sat May 14 19:08:30 CEST 2011 i586 GNU/Linux if you run uname -a) right in your browser and this is a working Linux as you can see from the screenshot below. You can see I cd’ed to the root directory and did a ls -al to list the directory structure. Also had a look […]
The Asus Eee Transformer Pad was only released a couple of days ago and it already received it’s first software update. Android was updated to version 3.0.1 and it mainly added new Asus Software that was not ready when the tablet was released. One thing that I am looking at when deciding to buy a […]
As mentioned in my previous post .. I am current investigation a 10.1 inch Android Tablet. The latest one to enter is Lenovo Android Tablet with an optional keyboard. Here is the specs for it. From what I could read, the USB 2.0 port is on the tablet and not the optional keyboard which […]
Pick this up via Paul Jacobson’s blog. Android made from beads … looks so much better than the plastic one’s .. this one has some character 🙂 Image credit goes to Paul — large version of his post here.
I am currently in the market for a Android tablet and are busy doing my homework. Originally I was considering the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 but over the last couple of days the ASUS EeePad Tranformer caught my eye. It has an optional keyboard in which the tablet/screen docks into. This transforms the tablet basically into a netbook. […]
UPDATE: Do not apply these updates if you are running non-stock HTC software ROM’s, even those that are based on stock HTC ROMs. Rather get an updated ROM from the group/person that made your ROM that include these updates. There is a real posibility that you might brick your phone if you apply these to non-stock […]
Since earlier today I started experiencing problems on my HTC Desire with the proximity sensor. For those that does not know, the proximity sensor switches the screen off when you receive or make a call and places the phone against your ear. When the call is completed and you remove the phone from your ear, […]
Earlier this week the 8pen keyboard went free for Android and I decided to give it a try. Below is a screenshot of the keyboard in typing a tweet in Tweetdeck. You will notice that all the letters is in capitals, that is because I am starting a new sentence and it automatically put the […]