Why UbuntuOne if I have Dropbox?

There is a lot of talk going on about UbuntuOne.  All I have to say is that the Ubuntu trademark belongs to Canonical and they can do with it what they want to.  Also they are a business and surely they have the right to make money, and if that is by using their own trademark, why not.

However today I want to ask why I should use UbuntuOne instead of DropBox.  I have not used UbuntuOne yet, still waiting on my invite, so this is based on what I have read.  UbuntuOne only support Linux and to be more specific Ubuntu.  Also I could not gather how seamless it is integrated into Nautilus.  I have been using Dropbox now for a while and has just worked perfectly.  I can share files with Windows and/or Mac users.  When I run out of my free space on Dropbox I can upgrade and it seems to be cheaper than what UbuntuOne offers.

Dropbox is not perfect.  I would like to see better KDE support .. yes one can get it working but it is not nicely integrated.  Also I would like to see the possibility to sync more than one folder.

So for the time being I am a happy Dropbox user.

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